Unlock YOUR Secret to A New, Healthy, and Long Lasting, Sexy Physique

Learn what YOUR body needs

to achieve the results you desire and deserve!

(Check out this short 7 min video for details)

Why A Metabolism Assessment?

Snatched Waist

Calories are important. But, lack of results happen when we eat too little or too much. You need the right balance. Learn what calories, macros, and quality of foods your body needs, versus what you're giving it.

Hour Glass Physique

Any ole' workout just won't do. Being strategic based on your current metabolic rate, lifestyle, and body goals...is how you sculpt your physique. Learn what exercises or physical activity will help sculpt your sexy physique.

Kickstart Your Results

By the end of the assessment, you'll learn exactly why your results haven't arrived, and you'll have a clear understanding of how to kickstart your journey and begin seeing results in just 30 days.

How it Works

  1. Sign up

  2. Complete the assessment questionnaire

  3. Download the Cronometer app

  4. Set up your account

  5. Grant us access to view your log

  6. Log your foods for 3 consecutive days

  7. Coach Ce will do a detailed analysis based on your goals, physical activity, macros, and nutrition quantity and quality

  8. We'll schedule a 15-20 minute zoom to discuss what you're giving your body versus what it needs, in order for you to start seeing results. We'll give you personalized suggestions and feedback on how to implement changes based on your current lifestyle.

  9. That's it! Use the analysis to kickstart your results!

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